Anuja Pandey

Browsing this website is a significant act, one of courage and compassion. While a part of you may resist exploring therapy, another part brought you here. It considers the possibility that you can be deeply heard and known; trust and be trusted. That part knows it’s worth a try.

Zermina Wynne

Whatever brings you to therapy is welcome and will be respected. Sometimes, we don't know why we seek therapy, only that something isn't right. Whether you're looking to heal from a past or current trauma, or simply grow as a person, therapy can help free you from burdens and thrive.

Adam Clark

What if therapy isn't about finding out what's wrong with us, but rediscovering those parts of ourselves that have been buried? And what if healing isn't about fixing ourselves, but alleviating suffering by uncovering the depths of who we are? Therapy encourages self-curiosity and allows growth to happen naturally.

Patricia Welbourn

Starting therapy can be scary, but you won’t be doing it alone. Together we’ll think about your thinking, behaviours, and relationships, and wonder about the unconscious. We open things up in search of ourselves. Facing ourselves isn’t always easy but it is meaningful, and it brings us new possibilities.

Peter Dales

D.W. Winnicott, a renowned English analyst, put the therapeutic project simply and elo-quently: “…the foundations of mental health of the adult are laid down in infancy and child-hood” and, further, he declared: “We must never forget that the picnic is the client’s picnic, and even the weather is the client’s weather”.

Brenda Simon

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges; our familiar responses and assumptions don’t seem to be working for us anymore. It takes courage to seek out therapy and to speak openly about experiences, relationships, conflicts, depression, and anxiety. In therapy, we co-create an empathic space for deep listening, reflection, and insight.

Karen Wreford

You may be considering therapy for any number of reasons: anxiety, depression, relational difficulties, or grief. Perhaps you are feeling stuck. Together, we will explore your feelings in depth through a unique process of self-discovery that offers the potential for growth and personal development.

Christine Werbski

People come to therapy for many reasons—to address a life-changing event, a loss, a struggle with alcohol and drug problems, or other health concerns. Whatever your situation, psychotherapy gives you the opportunity to speak with someone who will listen without judging, provide a safe and trusting environment, and offer professional guidance.

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