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Ursula Carsen - Registered Psychotherapist

Ursula Carsen (She/Her)

Registered Psychotherapist
RP, CTP Dipl

Waitlisting New Clients
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Adults (18+)LGBTQ2IA+ Affirming
Contact Ursula

In psychotherapy you will find a safe space to speak about your burdens, secrets, fantasies, memories, and dreams. The therapeutic relationship between us fosters insight into unconscious dynamics of the world as you experience it, clarifies what motivates or holds you back, and helps you know and realize yourself. In short, psychotherapy is an opportunity for you to do deep inner work, and not be alone doing it. Reflecting on your dreams, fears, hopes, strengths and goals in the presence of your therapist can help you better understand yourself and your relationships, and develop inner peace, liveliness, and freedom. Learn to profoundly trust yourself, and you may find it easier to be and express who you truly are!

I listen to you with undivided and non-judgmental attention. Together, we embark on a journey of discovery, make sense of what puzzles or troubles you, add meaning to your experiences, and help you sort and understand your thoughts and emotions. Dream analysis may be part of your therapy process with me. You and I will talk about what is right for you. Sometimes words fail to describe what is going on inside of you. At such times, I may guide you with gentle breathing exercises, deep relaxation, or intuitive art-making to facilitate non-verbal expression and exploration. Most importantly, I am present with you, and hold with you the vulnerability your therapy may open up for you. While many of my clients come from artistic and creative milieus, you are welcome here, whatever your background may be.

My work as a psychotherapist began with my work as a client, decades ago. At a time of a health crisis and inner turbulence, knowing that I had a regular, appointed hour with a wise therapist solely reserved for me was my lifeline. Since then, it has become a privilege and honour for me to give back to others from the wealth of healing and learning I have received in my own therapy process. My expertise of over 30 years in practice includes cognitive, psychodynamic, Jungian, body-soul and transformational aspects of mental health and healing, as well as the treatment of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In my personal life, being a mother of two and grandmother of five offspring has been my greatest source of love, growth, and awe. In my career as psychotherapist, experience with my clients and ongoing education continue to deepen my passion for and belief in heart, mind, body, and soul health and healing.

For some people, their first visit to a psychotherapist opens a world of positive possibilities they had not imagined before. Others find that they have come with certain goals they want to collaborate toward. Commonly, my clients are relieved to find the guidance and support of an empathic professional therapist who is committed to working with them at their own pace and readiness. To assist you in your search for a therapist with whom you feel comfortable, I offer a free initial consultation. This brief phone conversation gives us a chance to discuss your interest in therapy and what you are looking for in a therapist. Languages spoken: English and German. Free on-street parking.

Toronto, ON

Contact Ursula
